Saturday, April 17, 2010

Most Embarrassing Moments

Hey girlz we got HEAPS of entries for Most embarrassing but we picked the Top2 to publish to the blog.

No.1   Hey guys, love the blog!My most embarrasing moment was when I was at my fave beach last year and my cousin had dared me to impress a guy enough that he'll ask me out.. Unfortunatley it didn't go to plan, we were on the sand and i was trying to look really cool what i didnt realize my cousin had wrote "tri-hard" on my back in bright pink zinc!! So embarrassing!!

We rate this.... quite embarrassing!


No.2 Okay my most embarrasing moment was when we were at school camp for three nights . I was having a shower and I realised I had left my clothes in my tent. I had to run across the campsite in only a towel and all the boys were laughing! My BFF still cracks up about it occasionally and how funny I looked!

We rate this...... Super embarrassing!!!!


Thanks so much for all your contribution! Pleaseeeeeeee add more embarrassing moments and we promise we will publish all of them throughtout the year. Please!!!!!! email us at or leave a comment and please press the Follow button to support the blog.
Thanks so much!

Sophie + Gabi


Becca said...

Hey Gabii , Alexx , and Sophie!
My most embarrassasing moment was when I was swimming in the beach with my brother and his friend and I was on my boogie board and I surfed a really big wave and I wandered why they were laughing.I then saw my bikini top like ten metres away, getting washed out to sea . I screamed so loudly and ran up the beach with my arms around me trying to find a towell but ended up using my brotheres top !! SSSSSOOOOOOOO EMBARASSED I never saw my brotheres friend again!