Sunday, April 11, 2010

Celeb of the week

Sorry for the long break of posts! We've been enjoying the holidays! :D
Anyway, this week's celeb of the week is KE$HA!!!
We chose Ke$ha because she was so determined to follow her dream to be a singer and we love her music!!
Here is a bit about her:
* To get her record deal, she broke into Prince's (celebrity singer) house and left a demo of her song "Tik Tok" on his desk. He loved it and got her famous!!!
*She grew up in Nashville, Tennessee but when her family was struggling with money issues, she moved to California to support them.
*Her real name is Kesha Rose Sebert.
*Her Mum's name was "Pebe".Her mother raised her as a single parent. Her mother was also a songwriter.
*Their family struggled finantially, so their mother used food stamps and welfare payments to feed her and her 2 brothers, Lagan and Louis.
*She sang back-up vocals for Paris Hilton in one of her songs which ended up with Ke$ha deliberately vommiting in Hilton's closet!
* She once put "Keshawood" over the "Hollywood" sign in LA.
*Her music career started in 2005 and has continued through to 2010 and she is still writing amazing songs!
Hope you enjoyed !!!
xxx.... :D
