Sunday, March 28, 2010

Things to make and do!!!

THis a new thing that we introduced last week.
This week's idea is to make crepe paper flowers!!!!!
You'll need:
3 or more different coloured crepe paper
Green straws [optional]
sticky tape

Flower 1, Poppy
1. You cut 2 square pieces of crepe paper, about the same size and put them on top of each other facing down.
2.You trace or draw a circle and cut it out of both pieces.
3.Fold the 2 circles in half.
4.Do that again

5.Twist the bottom corner so your flower twirly shape.
6.Stick on a green straw to the end[optional.
7.Sticky tape the end.
8.Scrunch up a small piece of different coloured crate paper and stick it in the middle with glue.
Your done.

Flower 2
This ones a little bit harder than the first flower.
1.Cut out a piece of crepe paper 30cm long and 12cm wide.
2.Fold it in half.
3.Open it up then put sticky tape down the middle.
4.Fold it down the middle again.
5.Now fold it the other way.
6.Fold it again this way.
7.Cut it into strips but leave them end connected.
NOTE: Cut the end which is not sicky taped.
8.Open it up.
9.Roll it up.
10.Sticky tape it into place.
11.Add a green straw [optional]
12.Scrunch up a piece of differet coloured crate paper and stick it in the middle with glue.
And you're done!!.
You can make as many of these as you want.
If you have any ideas on what we could do next week email us at