THis a new thing that we introduced last week.
This week's idea is to make crepe paper flowers!!!!!
You'll need:
3 or more different coloured crepe paper
Green straws [optional]
sticky tape
Flower 1, Poppy
1. You cut 2 square pieces of crepe paper, about the same size and put them on top of each other facing down.
2.You trace or draw a circle and cut it out of both pieces.
3.Fold the 2 circles in half.
4.Do that again
5.Twist the bottom corner so your flower twirly shape.
6.Stick on a green straw to the end[optional.
7.Sticky tape the end.
8.Scrunch up a small piece of different coloured crate paper and stick it in the middle with glue.
Your done.
Flower 2
This ones a little bit harder than the first flower.
1.Cut out a piece of crepe paper 30cm long and 12cm wide.
2.Fold it in half.
3.Open it up then put sticky tape down the middle.
4.Fold it down the middle again.
5.Now fold it the other way.
6.Fold it again this way.
7.Cut it into strips but leave them end connected.
NOTE: Cut the end which is not sicky taped.
8.Open it up.
9.Roll it up.
10.Sticky tape it into place.
11.Add a green straw [optional]
12.Scrunch up a piece of differet coloured crate paper and stick it in the middle with glue.
And you're done!!.
You can make as many of these as you want.
If you have any ideas on what we could do next week email us at everything4grlz@gmail.com.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Things to make and do!!!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Hey guys!!!!!!
You may remember that we've cancelled Waverly Hill's and replaced it with Diary of a Tween Girl. This is how it works:
You emal us at everything4grlz@gmail.com and tell us your diary entry and we may post it onto this blog!!!!!
This weeks top entries:
Dear diary,
I'm new at school this term and I'm afraid that no one will like me and i won't make any friends. I just moved here from Brisbane and I've left all my friends behing me and i don't know anyone here. I'm so nervous and i din't know what to do.
Maddison, Perth WA
Dear diary,
Il like this guy at school a lot but i don't now whether he likes me back. I'm to afraid to tell him because my friends will laugh at me and I'd be so embarrassed and i would be really upset if he didnt like me back.
Lily, Sydney NSW
I hope you liked these entries and if you want to post yours email us at everything4grlz@gmail.com.
Posted by love.shopping58 at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!It's Sophie and im back with the Go Green Campaign.
Last week I introduced this Campaign and said that next week would be our Comp so now I'm going to tell you about it!!!!!!!!
You email us at everything4grlz@gmail.com and tell us how you stay green and you will become Green Girl of the month for April. But watch out you only have until next Satirday!!!!
This Weeks top 5 ways to be green:
1.Planting Trees- One tree can absorb the amount of Co2 released by an average car that'been driven 6437 kilometres. Imagine what 1000 trees could do!
2.Putting Your Rubbish In THe Bin- Animals eat rubbish that you have left around and often choke an die
3.Recycling Your Techno Trash- Recycle your old mobile phones to become something new.
4.Turning Your Computer Off-I knopw some people live off there computer but computers cause pollution too.
5. Don't Use Plastic Bags-Plastic bags take thousands of years to break down and sometimes more so when shopping take your own bags.
What you can do!!!
These days there are many things that you can do to help save the enviroment we already have top 5 ways to be green but i decided to have something for alternative ways to save power and stop pollution. This week it is the Hybrid Car!!!!
A hybrid is high-tech, gets great kilometres per litre, earns your parents a tax break and best of all its cuts green house gas polltution. You fill up the tank at a regular petrol station, only less often and you doon't have to plug it in. A hybrid car knows just when to use battery power and when to use engine power.It's also wonderfully peaceful at stop signs and red lights because the engine turns itself off when the car isn't moving!!
So ask your parents if you have a Hybrid car today!!!! lol
Posted by love.shopping58 at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What's New!!!!!
This is a new thing to tell you what's new on our blog!!!!!
Most Embarrassing
Movie Reveiws
Author of the week
What's hot, What's not
Celebrity of the Week
Book reviews
Go green campaign
Follower Celebration
Diary of a tween girl
That's all!
Stay in tuned and we will tell you what's new!
Sophieee, Gabii, Alexx
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:49 AM 0 comments
What's Hot/ What's Not!
This week's Hot accesory is a criss-cross headband. Basically it is just a plaited or braided headband! You can get them at fashion shops or at just the dollar shop! They go with any outfit and you can even get them in double- criss-cross! AWESOME!!!They are one my fave things!! I recommend getting them from Supre(New Zealand and Australia only!) in the colour silver or white for only $3!!!How cheap!! How I helped out!!!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Interview with Emily
As you may know Emily is this month's interview girl!
Here is my interview with her!
1. How did you find out about everything4grlz?
Well I found out because of u Gabi, u told me !
2. What was your reaction when you found out you won?
Well I couldn't stop saying OMG because it is such an honour to win!
3. What is your favourite thing on the website?
The gossip, Fashion and all that, it's the best.
4. What is your fashion statement? i.e. a nice headband etc.
Well boots, Shorts (JEANS N SHORT SHORT PANTS) , hairbands, PEACE HEADBANDS and OF COURSE high heels.
5. What are your hobbies?
Hanging out with friends, riding on my bike and scooters and spending time with FAMILY.
6. Who is your idol?
Well i think my friend Jade Taylor, she's nice and I really think that she teaches me some valuable things like Friendship.
7. What is your favourite thing to do?
8. Whats your favourite shop?
Smiggle n diva .
9. What is your favourite piece of clothing?
My shorts and my pants and stuff like that.
10. What are your plans for the future?
I want to be a fashion designer and do my own fashion show cuz it's so awsome!
Thanks so much Emily for being our first Interview girl!
xxx Gabi
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
INTRO/ Glamouriser
We are starting a weekly post called Glamouriser!!!!!You guys will send in a post of an outfit and we will tell you how to spice it up a bit! For example....... a summer dress! Add a long necklace and a home-made bracelet or a criss-cross headband! Recipe for perfection! Keep in tuned to hear next week's glamouriser and make sure you comment or email us an outfit suggestion which we will spice up! That's everything4grlz@gmail.com
Gabi and Sophie and Alex
Posted by love.shopping58 at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Movie Review/ Alice in Wonderland
Posted by love.shopping58 at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Follower Celebration
Hi Guys!
We are having a follower celebration! What this means is that as soon as we get 50 followers we will have a huge celebration!!! This includes prizes, posts and competitions and EVERYTHING! All you have to do is click the follower button on this page. The 50th follower will get heaps of prizes, so keep clicking!!!!!!!! If you are having trouble finding the button or anything like that, comment on this post or e-mail us at everything4grlz@gmail.com .
xx Gabii and Sophiee!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Hey guys!!!
Last night i was in bed and i thought of something new!!!!
It's called most embarrassing!!!!
You email us the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at everything4grlz@gmail.com and the 6 most embarrassing will go on our blog!!!!
I willl also be adding some of my own personal experiences.
I hope you like it and that you will enjoy reading peoples most embarrassing moments
P.S this will start hopefully next week but we are not for certain yet
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:10 PM 6 comments
Celeb of the week
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Diary of a Tween Girl!!!!
You may be familiar with our post Waverly Hill's school but as out posts said this did happen but we cant prove the gossip is true so we have replaced it with Diary Of a Tween Girl!!!! Diary of a Tween Girl is about a the life of a ordinary girl and problem's she may encounter. But we need your help to get this done, email us your personal experiances at everything4grlz@gmail.com and the best entry will star in one of that weeks diary entries and if a person constantly gives us good stories she may become the offcial Tween Girl!!So try your hardest.
P.S It does not have to be true but it must be intresting and be able to grab peoples attention!!!!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 1:55 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Our new email!!!!
You may not have noticed but we have recently got a new email address which you can send anything to us like what you want on the blog,how we could improve it, things that you don't like about it or even ask to be Go Girl of the Week.So if you need help or advice send us an email and we might put you on the advice section!!!
Alexx, Gabii, Sophiee
P.S If you can't comment this, email us instead at www.everything4grlz@gmail.com
Posted by love.shopping58 at 11:46 PM 0 comments
If you have been reading our blog you may notice that there are a lot of new things going on at everything4grlz and one of them is things to make and do!!! It's about fashion,style,craft and cookery. But it's not all about baking it's also about hot to make braclets an rings AND food. If you have any recipe's or DIY stuff send us a email at everythin4grlz@gmail.com and it may be put on the blog.
thankx again
Alexx, Gabii, Sophiee
Posted by love.shopping58 at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Hey guys it's Sophie Here!!
I'm in charge of the new gog green campaign. Here at everythingforgrlz we like to be green so we are having a comp for it. More on the next week!!!
This weeks top 5 ways to be green!!
1.Saving Water - water is a precious resource and we use it to live and survive.
2.Recycling - Recycling is important. It means rusing things we've already used.
3.Saving Paper - Paper comes from trees and trees provide oxygen so save trees be reusing paper.
4.Walking - Walk places rather hen take the car to stop pollution.
5.Turnin Of Lights - Turn off lights to stop pollution like carbon dioxide.
Gabii ,Alexx, Sophiee
P.S Come back next week to see our comp!!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:33 PM 2 comments
Hi guys, we are now telling you the winner of the go girl comp.
We had over 97 entries so it was so hard to choose!!!!!!
The winner is .......................................................................................Emily Ibbertson!
Congrats!You have won Intereview girl of the month!We will email you, your interview questions later on this week! We chose you because you told us directly why you loved the blog
and it takes courage to do that and it made all of us so excited!Thanks Emily! If you didn't win, we will have PLENTY more comps. Also an environmental comp. Coming up soon!Hehe, more on that later. xxx
Gabii, Sophiee and Alex
Posted by love.shopping58 at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Hi guys!
A few weeks ago, we told you that we would give out advice!Well we just got our first letter from Maddy Verstar in Victoria!!Thanks so much! Well, here is what she wrote.
First of all, love your blog it is so awesome!!!!!
Anyway, here is what I need help with. I just switched schools and everyone is crowding around me and I can't fit a word in because they are too busy telling me tips about everything! I just want to be myself, because I know I'm not exactly what they think I am. I need some real friends!! Please help!
Hi Maddie!
Thanks so much for all the great feedback, it really helps!!Also thank you for being the first person to ask for advice!! Well, here is what the team at Everything4Grlz thinks!
We think it will go away in time like it did in our own personal experiences. Otherwise, confront them and tell them that you just want to fit in, because in the end, entering the wrong crowd can change your personality completely(again, personal experiences!) If you don't want to do this straight away, play along with it a bit till it starts to fade!
Thanks again! Hope we helped.
Sophiee,Alexx and Gabii
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hey guys
To replace Sabbyy were adding a new member called Sophie who totally loves this blog.
She is super tall and is MAD about global warming.She will be running a green girl competition so watch out!! And she will be an offical owner now!
thank you guys
Gabbi and Alexx*
Posted by love.shopping58 at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
New theme and CELEB OF THE MONTH!
Hi Guys!
Remember last weeks theme?
It was fashion!!!
This week we have a new theme and that is.......
Haha, this was chosen as the theme because everybody lovesssssss mobile phones!
They are so awesome!
Also, while I am introducing this I may as well tell you that we are starting something new
called, Celebrity Of the Week!!! Every week, there will be a new celebrity in the spotlight
that we will make celebrity of the week! So stay in tuned to hear this weeks celeb of the week!
PS Sorry guys, we can't start Go Girl of the Month(or week, I'll decide later) until we actually get like
10 viewers!You don't have to make a blogger account but, if you want to give us some tips or a comment
or feedback on the blog, then email me, Gabi at
everything4grlz@gmail.com and let me know what you think of Everything 4 grlz!And a bit about yourself and we will make you Go Girl of the Month and you will win and interview that we will add to the blog!!All you have to do is...EMAIL US!!
xxx stay in tune!!
Gabzz and Alexx
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
New background
Hey girls!!!
This week we have a new background called "Science of Splatter!"
We will have new backgrounds every week, please recommend keywords in the comments and we will put up that as a background!!
xxx ily!
Posted by love.shopping58 at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
now girls everything you need is all here from A 2 Z ....
guys like the sporty, NICE! , and the girls who aren't shy around them, they also like the girls who like the same things as they do! e.g. girls who ar'nt scared of a bit of dirt and get out and about!,
NOW THE LOOKS THAT BOYS LIKE! : now its what you look good in so if you have the great body shape that i know every one does! where the clothes that shape your body well e.g the sporty tight jeans and a nice singlet or maybe a t-shirt with a nice cardigan! or shorts with a siglet and (if cold) a cardigan.Now the famous are wearing glasses and its all in the fashion!.
so go get them!
luv gabii,sabbyy,alex*
Posted by love.shopping58 at 1:43 AM 0 comments
Alexx, Gabii,
Hi I'm Alex
and i am a new staff member
for everything4grlz and I'm
very proud remember to vote on what
you want to see more of and you
will be hearing more about
me thank you
Posted by love.shopping58 at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
go girl of the month!
hey girls guess what we
are having go girl
of the month for the prettiest
and nicest girl all you have to
do is post comments and advice
to improve the site and for
others and you will have a
chance to win. Some of the
things you can win are a magazine
profile of yourself, a personal interview
to be published and more! So come and
type on girls cause being
go girl of the month gives you
great advantages
ily xxxx
sabby and gabi and alex
Posted by love.shopping58 at 2:11 AM 0 comments
New admin!
Okay everybody!
We have a new admin to the everything4grlz staff!
Her name is Alex! She is a full-time animal lover! She lurvesssss the colour blue and loves hanging out with her besties!
So keep in touch to hear more from Alex!
xxx ily
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:57 AM 0 comments
This Week's theme!
Okay everybody, we are introducing themes!
So most of the things we post about will be on these themes.
So, drumroll please
This week's theme is...
So, you will be hearing a lot more on fashion!
xxx ily,
Gabii and Sabby and Alex
Posted by love.shopping58 at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Waverly Hills School Gossip
At Waverly Hill's there is lots of gossip!
Sarah has come back to visit from the USA!
She got alot of attention from the whole school, especially one specific boy, Nick!
Nick's ex-crush was Sarah,but know he has gone for Chelsea, who happens to ne Sarah's best friend! What if Sarah still has feelings for Nick, even if they live thousands of kilometres away from each other?
Sarah got called a lot of names including COW which are so not true, and even the person that called her that apologised afterwards.
Everyone has got a facebook!And we are all keeping in touch and social-networking! If you dont have one ..... :(
Posted by love.shopping58 at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hey girls,
If you have any questions or problems and need help answering, them feel free
to tell us. We will give you all kinds of advice to find the best way to solve your problem!
Thank you!
ily xxx
Gabi and Sabby
Posted by love.shopping58 at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Crappyy celebrity First Jobs
Hey Girls!
This post is about all the hottest celebrities first jobs.
That's right, before they became the hottest celebs, they were working at the worst places, Here is the answers:
Lily Allen- Florist, That's right, before Lily shot to fame with her debut single "Smile" she was off selling flowers in London!
P-DIDDY- Toilet cleaner, Uhuh! Before he entered "Hollywood" he cleaned bathrooms in Mexican restaurants in Los Angeles, he even claimed that he was the best bathroom cleaner ever!
Jennifer Anniston- Telemarketer, Yup! Jennifer Anniston once worked as an annoying telemarketer! She was also reportedly a bike messenger!
Ashley Greene- Restaurant Hostess The star that played Alice(Edward's sister in the Twilight saga) was a restaurant hostess in Jacksonville, USA before moving to Hollywood and scoring the big time role.
Ashton Kutcher- Cheerio's factory worker, Ashton worked in the cereal department while he was in his University holidays.
Megan Fox- Banana costume, Before she was named the sexiest girl alive, she worked at a smoothie shop which required her to dress as a banana in the streets!
Chace Crawford- Car washer, Before the Gossip Girl heart throp was famous for his role in Gossip Girl, he washed cars then was noticed by a TV execs.
Kelly Clarkson- Vacuum Sales person- Before she auditioned for American Idol, she worked as a vacuum salesperson, Redbull Promoter, a Waitress and a Pharmacy Clerk.
Beyonce- Floor Cleaner, The booty-licious singer cleaned floors at her mothers hairdresser before joining the group Destiny's Child and shooting to stardom!
Johnny Depp- Pen salesman, Johnny Depp sold stationery over the phone before landing a role in " A Nightmare On Elm Street.
Gwen Stefani, Waitress, Before she had to perfect children along with the perfect man, she cleaned floors a the fast food outlet " Dairy Queen."
Matthew McConoughey- Farmer, Matthew actually worked on a farm in Australia!
Tom Cruise- Paperboy, When he was younger he was a paperboy in the local neighbour-hood.
P!nk, McDonalds Worker, P!nk worked at McDonald's and always asked to do the toilet shift so she could stare at the tiles on the floor!Talk about lazy workers...
Kanye West- Clothes Salesman, Kanye worked at Gap before writing the song "Spaceship" which was inspired by this shop because he actually stole from them!
Madonna- Donuts salesperson, Madge worked at Dunking Donuts!That was until she got sacked for squirting jam at customers, on purpose!
Eva Mendez, Hotdog Salesperson, Eva sold Hot Dogs for a living! It is nearly impossible to imagine the star saying, "Do you want mustard with that?"
Brad Pitt- Chicken, he handed out flyers and did the chicken dance as a job at el pollo Loco!
Ellen Degeneres- Car washer, Before hosting the world's most popular talk-show, she washed cars in New Orleans, her home town!
Heather Graham, Toys R us worker, Heather worked at Toys R Us!Can you believe it!
Isn't this inspiring? Celebs weren't always their glamorous selves! Except Paris Hilton, she's always lived the "Sweet Life."
Posted by love.shopping58 at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Hey Girls!
our names are gabi,alex. This blog is for EVERYTHING 4 GIRLS! So, if you are a girl that wants to know:
Advice for everything
About us
How to solve problems
and pretty much everything else...... You've come to the right place.
So, if you want any of the above comment on this and we will reply.
And, if you want to keep the blog going, tell All your friends about it.
Thnx so much everyone!
Gabi and alex
Posted by love.shopping58 at 3:59 PM 1 comments