Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hi guys!
A few weeks ago, we told you that we would give out advice!Well we just got our first letter from Maddy Verstar in Victoria!!Thanks so much! Well, here is what she wrote.

First of all, love your blog it is so awesome!!!!!
Anyway, here is what I need help with. I just switched schools and everyone is crowding around me and I can't fit a word in because they are too busy telling me tips about everything! I just want to be myself, because I know I'm not exactly what they think I am. I need some real friends!! Please help!

Hi Maddie!
Thanks so much for all the great feedback, it really helps!!Also thank you for being the first person to ask for advice!! Well, here is what the team at Everything4Grlz thinks!
We think it will go away in time like it did in our own personal experiences. Otherwise, confront them and tell them that you just want to fit in, because in the end, entering the wrong crowd can change your personality completely(again, personal experiences!) If you don't want to do this straight away, play along with it a bit till it starts to fade!
Thanks again! Hope we helped.
Sophiee,Alexx and Gabii


Anonymous said...

great advice.this blog = too awesome!!!for real?it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good i told all my friends as school and now everyone is obsessed about it talking about all the new posts!PLEASE DONT CLOSE IT DOWN!I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT AND EITHER CAN MY 688 FRIENDS!LOL please!!! so awesomeeeee

love.shopping58 said...

thabks so much we wont close down if people want us here but we still arent getting enough veiwers