Saturday, March 13, 2010


sabby,tammy,shi said...

hey my name is sandra and me and my bff sabbyy
her real name is Sabricay but w call her that for fun have split and i need to no wat to do the resin we split being bff's is because well there is this guy who use to be with me then after a week he dumped me and now he love me again and she is telling me to be with him but i don't know what to do should i be with him and risk getting my heart broken or should i not a wonder for the rest of my life how it would be like and loose my bff

SuSu said...
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SuSu said...

I think you should risk should keep your bff and give the boy another shot and tell your bff that if it doesnt work out with you and the boy, she should not risk your frienship and instead she should be there for you. I think your bff Sabbyy seems like a really cool chick and a great friend to have. So take her advice!
