Saturday, March 27, 2010


Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!It's Sophie and im back with the Go Green Campaign.
Last week I introduced this Campaign and said that next week would be our Comp so now I'm going to tell you about it!!!!!!!!
You email us at and tell us how you stay green and you will become Green Girl of the month for April. But watch out you only have until next Satirday!!!!

This Weeks top 5 ways to be green:
1.Planting Trees- One tree can absorb the amount of Co2 released by an average car that'been driven 6437 kilometres. Imagine what 1000 trees could do!
2.Putting Your Rubbish In THe Bin- Animals eat rubbish that you have left around and often choke an die
3.Recycling Your Techno Trash- Recycle your old mobile phones to become something new.
4.Turning Your Computer Off-I knopw some people live off there computer but computers cause pollution too.
5. Don't Use Plastic Bags-Plastic bags take thousands of years to break down and sometimes more so when shopping take your own bags.

What you can do!!!
These days there are many things that you can do to help save the enviroment we already have top 5 ways to be green but i decided to have something for alternative ways to save power and stop pollution. This week it is the Hybrid Car!!!!

A hybrid is high-tech, gets great kilometres per litre, earns your parents a tax break and best of all its cuts green house gas polltution. You fill up the tank at a regular petrol station, only less often and you doon't have to plug it in. A hybrid car knows just when to use battery power and when to use engine power.It's also wonderfully peaceful at stop signs and red lights because the engine turns itself off when the car isn't moving!!
So ask your parents if you have a Hybrid car today!!!! lol
