Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Hey guys!!!
Last night i was in bed and i thought of something new!!!!
It's called most embarrassing!!!!
You email us the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at and the 6 most embarrassing will go on our blog!!!!
I willl also be adding some of my own personal experiences.
I hope you like it and that you will enjoy reading peoples most embarrassing moments


P.S this will start hopefully next week but we are not for certain yet


Anonymous said...

hey guys love the blog but my most embarrasing moment was when i was at my fave beach last year and my cousin had dared me to impress a guy enough that he'll ask me out.. unfortunaetley it didnt go to plan we were on the sand and i was trying to look really cool what i didnt realize my cousin had wrote "tri-hard" on my back in bright pink zinc!! so embarrassing!!!
from anonymous

love.shopping58 said...
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Ashley said...

Okay my most embarrasing moment was when we were
at school camp for three nights . I was having a shower and I realised I had left my clothes in my tent. I had to run across the campsite in only a towel and all the boys were laughing ! My BFF still cracks up about it occaisionally and how funny I looked!

Ashley said...

Okay my most embarrasing moment was when we were
at school camp for three nights . I was having a shower and I realised I had left my clothes in my tent. I had to run across the campsite in only a towel and all the boys were laughing ! My BFF still cracks up about it occaisionally and how funny I looked!

Anonymous said...

Okay my most embarrasing moment was when we were
at school camp for three nights . I was having a shower and I realised I had left my clothes in my tent. I had to run across the campsite in only a towel and all the boys were laughing ! My BFF still cracks up about it occaisionally and how funny I looked!

Anonymous said...
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